About Us

Making wholeness possible

 Our mission is to make wholeness possible for individuals, communities, and the world.

What is faithwalking?

Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are equipped with tools to gain freedom from wounds of their past, grow in emotional maturity, and live lives of purpose on mission with God, so they can increasingly follow the way of Jesus by serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need, working for the common good, and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design. Our mission is to make wholeness possible for individuals, communities, and the world.

We believe God’s intended design is for wholeness in individuals, communities, and the world.

We believe God’s intended design is for wholeness in individuals, communities, and the world. We believe God’s hope is for shalom to be present, which includes peace, unity, completeness, wholeness, and well-being for everyone and in everyone. God’s hope is for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. 

But we live in a world of brokenness; people are chronically anxious and reactive, internally conflicted, frequently unloving, and regularly unconcerned about the common good. And like author and theologian Dallas Willard stated in his book The Divine Conspiracy, the church in America is doing a good job of making good church members but it is not doing a good job of making disciples of the way of Jesus and as a result, many Christians are inconsistent in following the way of Jesus. 

We believe for wholeness to be possible, we must learn to love God, love self, love our neighbor, love the stranger, and love the world.

To do this, you first partner with God to increasingly create wholeness in yourself. Then you partner with God to increasingly establish wholeness in the places where you live, work, and play.

Through Faithwalking you will learn to use tools for making the world a better place. Our work is focused on helping you increasingly experience the fully human, fully alive life as the best version of yourself and live a life of purpose on mission with God, where you increasingly love like Jesus.

Core Values


We consistently engage in hard conversations and we embrace honest feedback. We face ourselves and do the hard work of self-discovery. We welcome adventure and challenge and we make hard choices. We refuse to give up or lose focus when resistance comes.


We show up and allow our true selves to be seen by sharing our stories. We are honest about what we think and about how we feel. We take full responsibility for our own lives and choices. We work to move our secret self and our private self into one integrated true self. 


We are inclusive and welcome the “other” into our lives. We are clear, direct, and honest in our communication. We practice listening and dialogue. We maintain a culture of trust.


We consistently give and keep our word. We honor our word and clean up any messes we’ve made. We are competent and reliable so we maintain workability. We consistently align our lives with our guiding principles.

our approach

An Ongoing Spiritual Formation Process

Faith walking is about putting feet to our faith. It is about living out what we claim to believe — whatever that may be. Faith walking is about aligning our lives with our values. Faith walking implies progress. It implies that we are going somewhere. This is a journey of growth, transformation, and formation. It is a journey towards our Creator’s intended design. It requires patience, courage, and effort. There is no quick fix that will deliver transformation or deep change in you.

Information alone does not produce transformation. It is the experience and practice of the right information that leads us to be transformed, that’s why everything we do is designed around a cycle of information, practice, and reflection. We intentionally incorporate this cycle throughout all of our courses and resources by including it in the form of content, assignments, and coaching.

Spiritual Formation: Developing rhythms and spiritual practices that empower you to be increasingly authentic with yourself, with others, and with God.

Emotional Growth & Healing: Move toward a full, ongoing expression of your true self. Finding healing from the wounds of your past and move forward in hope and power.

Extraordinary Relationships: Learn how to see and manage anxiety. Grow your capacity to thoughtfully respond in the midst of anxiety. Learn how to establish healthy boundaries and clear guiding principles for your life.

Living Missionally: Learn to love like Jesus loved, serve the common good, and work with others to make the world a better place. Learn to see brokenness in the places where you already spend your time.

our team

This Work Wouldn’t Be Possible Without Our Amazing Staff, Board, and Volunteers Committed to Making Wholeness Possible

Faithwalking Staff

Ken Shuman

Executive Director

Angela Raley

Operations Administrator

Marcos Leon

 Spanish Program Team Leader

Faithwalking Board of Directors

Dawn Bird


Aundrea Baker


Mario Ramos


Lou Huesmann


Chris Godfredsen


Jenna Greenwell


Greg Zeigler
