Listen as one Faithwalker shares how Faithwalking groups are helping her change the current conversation. “What I love about [participating in] the workshops and the Weekly Meditations and Keep Calm on Fridays is that it has given me some tools. It has taught me to slow down…not just physically but emotionally, to really think about…what’s the root of the anxiety when I start experiencing it.” – Brenda Graff
Thank you for being part of changing the conversation and helping us do the same! We would be grateful if you would consider supporting Faithwalking through:
Giving. Help us reach our financial goal this year. We are praying and hoping for:
$35,000 by the end of 2020 in one-time donations, plus:
– 60 monthly donors of $15 per month
– 40 monthly donors of $25 per month
– 20 monthly donors of $55 per month
Would you consider becoming a monthly donor according to your capacity?
Pledge or contact us to arrange your giving
Praying. Help us by committing to pray for us weekly.
We need discernment, wisdom, and provision of human and financial resources to make Faithwalking possible and accessible. Join our intercessor team.
Promoting. Help us promote the work of Faithwalking: like and share our posts, and post about our work.
There are several ways people can learn about Faithwalking at no cost. Help us promote:
The Faithwalking Facebook page
Please also help us promote our
Faithwalking Foundations modules and Ongoing Education offerings
Why Faithwalking?
We believe that God’s intended design is for wholeness in individuals, communities, and the world. We believe that God’s hope is for shalom to be present, which includes peace, unity, completeness, wholeness, and well-being for everyone and in everyone. God’s hope is for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
We live in a world of brokenness: People are chronically anxious and reactive, internally conflicted, frequently unloving, and regularly unconcerned about the common good. Many Christians are inconsistent in following the way of Jesus.
Our Mission
To make wholeness possible for individuals, communities, and the world.
We do this through a process of spiritual formation where people are equipped with tools to gain freedom from wounds of their past, grow in emotional maturity, and live lives of purpose on mission with God, so that they increasingly follow the way of Jesus by serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need, working for the common good, and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
Our Vision
Our vision is for Faithwalking to be accessible to every person in the world so that participants become agents of wholeness in their own context.