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independent study

Creating Space To Be With God

True Christian discipline is the human effort to create the space in which the Spirit of Christ can transform us into his image. – Henri Nouwen

Faithwalking Workshops

Nurture your inner life

What makes a fire burn is space between the logs, a breathing space.” – Judy Brown

In the midst of full and fast rhythms of life in which we find ourselves constantly surrounded by noise and demands, it is hard to make space to be with God. Without space for God there is no air, there is no life, there is no fire burning in the soul. There is no light within to guide us and sustain us.

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Scholarships and financial aid are typically available for those who need them, so please contact us if you do. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Creating Space To Be With God

Independent Study

Six sessions with video teaching

Handouts and downloads

Suggested practiced and assignments

Go at your own pace

Facilitated by Marcos Leon


A carefully cultivated heart will, assisted by the grace of God, foresee, forestall, or transform most of the painful situations before which others stand like helpless children saying ‘Why?’

– Dallas Willard

Frequently asked questions

Why should I take this workshop?

In this course you will be able to explore what it means to create space to be with God and nurture your inner life. You will review some spiritual practices that help to facilitate that space.

What does the workshop include?

Four sessions you can complete at your own pace. Each session includes an instructional video, relevant handouts, and suggested practices to help you reflect on your learning.

What does the workshop cover?

Breathing space: the space that God provides

The role of Scripture (Lectio Divina), meditation (reflective journaling), and prayer (listening prayer)

Retreat as the context for your space with God

Are there any requirements or prerequisites for participating in this workshop?

There are no prerequisites for this course: no previous Faithwalking experience or coursework is required.

But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction. ‘He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food.’

– Job 36:15-16 NIV