A Faithwalking Testimony

By Angela Raley


We love to hear and share Faithwalking stories! Below is a testimonial from a pastor who recently began the Faithwalking journey.

“…I have to admit I came into this Faithwalking experience dragging my heels, but I am so incredibly thankful for it, and the work you do to lead and facilitate. I have noticed a lot of growth in my marriage, and professional life. Just this past week we had a denominational meeting, something I usually am happy to be a fly on the wall for, and not talk for fear of sounding “stupid.” I chose to be more present this time, and felt empowered to no longer just sit with my thoughts, but share them, too. Though, I must say, I still have work to do. Because there was a moment where someone pushed back on something I said, and it came right after I was thinking how great it was to speak and feel heard, and also affirmed in what I was saying. Then the objection to something I said happened, and I shut down, and retreated back into my head. While in my head I analyzed all that was being said in the objection, and was ready to pick it apart, and go into attack mode, but instead, because of this work we’ve been doing, was present to myself and my reaction, and was able to calm down. But I did just remain in my head the rest of the time, and never spoke again. I processed this with my wife afterward, and she said – as soon as I told her the person’s objection, and the way it happened – “That was your dad’s voice calling you ‘stupid.'” And I just felt so much weight when she said that, and just wept. I would like to get to a point where I can receive an objection to something I said, and still respectfully disagree, and voice my opinion. So the work continues!”