The journey to living fully alive — to gaining freedom from the pain of your past and growing in spiritual and emotional maturity — is rarely an easy one. We live in a broken world where many struggle with anxiety, pain from their past unloving behavior, and apathy about the common good.
But through the practical ministry of Faithwalking, freedom from this brokenness is possible!
As you make a generous donation to Faithwalking today, you will help equip individuals and communities to find healing and wholeness as Christ intended, through:
- Spiritual Formation: Inviting them to develop rhythms of spiritual practices that empower them to be increasingly authentic with themselves, with others, and with God.
- Emotional Growth & Healing: Moving them toward a full, ongoing expression of their true selves. Helping them find healing from the wounds of their past and move forward in hope and strength.
- Extraordinary Relationships: Equipping them to see and manage anxiety. Helping them grow their capacity to thoughtfully respond in the midst of anxiety. Teaching them how to establish healthy boundaries and clear guiding principles for their lives.
- Living Missionally: Encouraging them to love like Jesus loved, serve the common good, and work with others to make the world a better place.
Your generosity helps make this transformation possible … and individual lives, families, and communities are restored as a result! Thank you for investing in Faithwalking’s efforts to love God, love self, love our neighbor, love the stranger, and love the world.
Please complete the form below to set up your donation.
“I wish that I had been involved with something like Faithwalking much earlier in life. It has helped me grow in my self-awareness, and, as a result, I have been able to overcome some things that kept me stuck.”
“Faithwalking radically impacted my life. The internal and emotional change has been astounding.”