Keep Calm – Jealousy


In this episode, Ken Shuman and a group of Faithwalkers reflect on part of the definition of love in 1 Cor. 13: Love does not envy. This conversation is part of a series on 1 Cor. 13 and was originally recorded in January of 2021.

Recent episodes from this series

Keep Calm: Five Ways People Behave in a Regressive Society – Part 1

In this episode, Ken Shuman shares an update on good things happening in Faithwalking and then he and a group of Faithwalkers talk about what it looks like to live in a regressive society. When a society is regressive, anxiety is really high, and people's level of emotional maturity and ability to manage anxiety decreases, resulting in worse and worse behavior. In this episode the group discusses the first two of five ways that Edwin Friedman noted people behave when society is in regression. This conversation was recorded on February 18, 2022.

Keep Calm: Approaching Scripture with Curiosity (Jn. 8:1-11)

In this episode, Ken Shuman and a group of Faithwalkers take a look at John 8 and the story of the woman caught in adultery. Ken challenges the group to approach the story with curiosity and with an eye toward what Faithwalking principles can be discerned there, resulting in a rich and powerful conversation. This conversation was originally recorded on February 11, 2022.

King Herod and the Destructive Power of Anxiety – Epiphany Series, Part 4

In this episode, the fourth in the series, Ken Shuman and a group of Faithwalkers continue their conversation about the destructive power of anxiety exhibited in Herod's behavior in Matthew 2. This conversation was originally recorded on February 4, 2022.

King Herod and the Destructive Power of Anxiety – Epiphany Series, Part 3

In this episode, the third in the series, Ken Shuman and a group of Faithwalkers continue their conversation about the destructive power of anxiety exhibited in Herod's behavior in Matthew 2. This conversation was originally recorded on January 28, 2022.

King Herod and the Destructive Power of Anxiety – Epiphany Series, Part 2

In this episode, the second in the series, Ken Shuman and a group of Faithwalkers continue their conversation about the destructive power of anxiety exhibited in Herod's behavior in Matthew 2. This conversation was originally recorded on January 21, 2022.