Practices to Nurture Your Soul – Listening Prayer: Abiding in Christ


In this episode Omar Calderon and a group of Faithwalkers share a time of meditation and learning about practices that nurture the soul. This week they focused on the last principle of listening prayer, listening prayer as abiding in Christ. This conversation was originally recorded in June of 2020.

Recent episodes from this series

Discerning the Voice of God in Books

This week Marcos Leon and a group of Faithwalkers continue a conversation about discernment. This conversation was originally recorded in October of 2021.

Discernment of Spirits

This week Marcos Leon and a group of Faithwalkers continue a conversation about discernment. This conversation was originally recorded in October of 2021.

Discernment and Spiritual Disciplines

This week Marcos Leon and a group of Faithwalkers continue a conversation about discernment. This conversation was originally recorded in September of 2021.

What is Discernment?

This week Marcos Leon and a group of Faithwalkers continue a conversation about discernment. This conversation was originally recorded in September of 2021.

Notes on Discernment

This week Marcos Leon and a group of Faithwalkers start a conversation about discernment. This conversation was originally recorded in Aug of 2021.