Understanding Anxiety Independent Study Now Available

By Marcos Leon


The largest part of what we call ‘personality’ is determined by how we’ve opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness. – Alain De Botton

Anxiety is everywhere.

Anxiety is unseen and is lurking under the surface of our awareness.

Anxiety is chronic. We get anxious almost daily.

Chronic anxiety is the intense emotional energy that gets triggered by a perceived threat.

When we get anxious, we react without thinking. We get stirred up and behave in ways that we later regret.

The cause of our reactivity is anxiety.

In this course, Ken Shuman takes you through the process of understanding more clearly the impact of anxiety in your life and provides helpful practices to manage yourself better in anxious situations. Watch the video above for a preview. There are no prerequisites for taking the course.

Learn more about the course



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