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Module 2 Overview
In this module we invite you to consider the concept of authenticity. Authenticity is the vulnerability to share oneself authentically with ourselves, with God, and with others. In Faithwalking we believe that authenticity is a vital ingredient for the fully alive life. We believe that a lack of authenticity is what holds many back from being the person they want to be. Authenticity is a gateway to transformation. In this module we will tackle obstacles to authenticity and tools that will help you grow in your capacity for authenticity.
In this module you will learn how shame and your own sense of self-worth are impacting you in negative ways. You will get tools for addressing your shame and for moving beyond it. You will learn that we all live out of three “selves”- public, private, and secret – and you will learn how to increasingly live as one integrated self. You will be given tools for sharing your story in life-giving ways. You will learn how to put your negative vows behind you.